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HB 1095 (2024)

Add official pronunciation for "Concord" and "New Hampshire," change occupational licensing administration


Details the proper pronunciation of "New Hampshire" and "Concord" according to the International Phonetic Alphabet.

The House amended the bill to also change some laws related to the Office of Professional Licensure and Certification. According to the House Executive Departments and Administration Committee, "These changes include the issuance of licenses, the setting of fees for licenses and applications, record keeping and the investigation of complaints. Previously, these functions were completed by the various boards and found to be cumbersome. This bill completes the streamlining of these administrative functions."

Bill Sponsor:
Eric Gallager
Democratic party logo
Public Hearing Date:
04/10/2024 09:30 am
Public Hearing Location:
SH Room 103
House Voting Date:
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