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SB 131 (2021)

Omnibus bill related to roads and vehicles, from boating safety to winter road maintenance


This is an omnibus bill related to roads and vehicles.

First, this bill requires the state to implement various programs and funding related to electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

Second, this bill requires the tow company to be chosen from a rotating list of tow companies that follow state regulations and apply to be on a state list in the event law enforcement needs to tow a vehicle (for example to clear roads).

Third, this bill allows municipalities to have municipal winter maintenance programs, certified by the Department of Environmental Services.

Fourth, this bill repeals the option for a resident over age 65 to get a non-expiring, nondriver's identification card labeled "Golden Granite State Discount Card."

Fifth, this bill repeals the exemption for some older residents to operate a motorboat without a certificate of boating safety education.

Sixth, this bill allows emergency medical services chiefs and fire chiefs to issue emergency medical services decals for license plates.

The Senate removed some parts of the original bill.  In particular, the Senate removed a mandatory OHRV and snowmobile safety certificate program certification program.  The Senate also removed a provision to allow bicyclists to roll through stop signs and turn left at a red light if they yield properly.  Lastly, the Senate removed a requirement for cities and towns to reimburse or provide qualified private communities with road services, such as snow removal.

The House added a new part to the bill that increases the maximum weight a combination of truck-tractor and single semi-trailer with 4 or more axles can carry, if they are carrying raw forestry products.

Bill Sponsor:
David H. Watters
Democratic party logo
Bill Became Law?:
Status Detail:
Signed by Governor
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