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SB 149 (2021)

Omnibus bill related to social services, covering everything from harm reduction programs to automated pharmacies


This is an omnibus bill related to health and human services.

First, this bill includes mental health expenses as medical expenses for the purpose of Medicaid spend-down requirements. This part of the bill also requires some reporting related to spend-down requirements.

Second, this bill adds new laws to govern automated pharmacy systems.

Lastly, this bill clarifies the legal status of health facility actions to comply with COVID-19 emergency orders.

The Senate vote to remove several parts of the original bill.  In particular, the Senate removed a part that stated, "a resident of New Hampshire who receives Medicaid and who requires nursing home care shall not be placed in any out-of-state facility which does not meet New Hampshire requirements for nursing homes."  The Senate also removed provisions to establish a rehabilitation bed pilot program in acute care or critical access hospitals.  The Senate also removed language to allow the state to enter into contracts to facilitate the confidential sharing of information through the prescription drug monitoring program.  Lastly, the Senate removed a section to establish a harm reduction and overdose prevention program in the Department of Health and Human Services.

Bill Sponsor:
Thomas "Tom" Sherman
Democratic party logo
Bill Became Law?:
Status Detail:
Signed by Governor
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