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Position on Issues

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2020

"As a gun owner I believe background checks are one tool to ensure the person purchasing the gun is emotionally & mentally healthy. I believe families need to take responsibility to ensure that all members of their family are emotionally & mentally healthy before they bring guns into their homes & once they have any/all guns they should be secured to prevent others from accessing them.

"Red Flag: I have seen both sides of this where it saved lives & where innocent people were arrested who did nothing wrong. I feel there must be more than the word of 1 person, there should be a medical history to support the allegations.

"Military weapons are designed for a very specific application of use & that is how they should be used. They are not designed for hunting deer, bear, moose any wild animal on land, sea or air. We are not at war & the mafia no longer rules the cities."

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