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Historical Details

Position on Issues

Candidate's Website, 2019

"I will always support the second amendment. But that doesn't mean our children should fear being shot at school. School is annoying enough. We will register all gun sales, even private sales. It shouldn't be easier to get a gun than a driver's license. Again, because obviously. We will requite training. Because, if you haven't heard, guns can kill people! We will have thorough background checks, fully analyzing both criminal history and mental health. You shouldn't be able to get a gun faster than you can get toilet paper on Amazon Prime. No more loopholes. Loopholes are easy to shoot through. We must also limit the capacity of magazines. If you have an AR-15 or AK-47 you can keep it. But we will ban new sales. Because if you need a weapon like that to hunt, you are a terrible hunter, and you should work on your skills. Ane we will pass Red Flag Laws that enable people to temporarily get the guns removed from people close to them who are exhibiting signs of violence, dangerous behavior, or are making threats. This is a very effective way to save lives."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"Kids don't call the shots in their families, they go where they are told. And they have essentially been Americans their whole lives. So dreamers will be granted instant citizenship. No getting in the back of the line. They have waited long enough. And they are an important part of our country."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"I will always support the second amendment. But that doesn't mean our children should fear being shot at school. School is annoying enough. We will register all gun sales, even private sales. It shouldn't be easier to get a gun than a driver's license. Again, because obviously. We will requite training. Because, if you haven't heard, guns can kill people! We will have thorough background checks, fully analyzing both criminal history and mental health. You shouldn't be able to get a gun faster than you can get toilet paper on Amazon Prime. No more loopholes. Loopholes are easy to shoot through. We must also limit the capacity of magazines. If you have an AR-15 or AK-47 you can keep it. But we will ban new sales. Because if you need a weapon like that to hunt, you are a terrible hunter, and you should work on your skills. Ane we will pass Red Flag Laws that enable people to temporarily get the guns removed from people close to them who are exhibiting signs of violence, dangerous behavior, or are making threats. This is a very effective way to save lives."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"Fighting for a living wage and affordable housing for all. We will also give middle income and working class people a 'Cost of Living Tax Refund' every month. I am the only working person in the race, and the only union member, so you know I will fight for you, because I am one of you."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"A constitutional amendment for a woman's right to choose. Along with other necessary laws to enshrine women's rights, such as reversing the Hyde Amendment. Women's rights are being erased and we must stop this by codifying it into our constitution. It is important that men stand for this as strongly as women, because it ain't a moral code if you only stand for it when it directly effects you!"

Candidate's Website, 2019

"We will end our dependence on fossil fuels, we will ban single use plastics, we will invest in clean energies and we will create millions of jobs by doing so. We will save the planet."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"85% of Americans are in favor of legalizing it federally. It will create countless jobs, as we've seen already that state cannabis legalization has created nearly 300,000 jobs. And it will also save lives from opioids as marijuana is often more effective at treating chronic pain, PTSD, epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, nausea and pain from cancer treatments, and countless other ailments. And when it is legalized, opioid use drops significantly. It is also far less addictive and you cannot overdose on it. I mean a bad experience maybe, but people don't die. I'm very pro things that help people. And also anti things that make people die. Plus, marijuana makes life a lot more chill and easy going, something I think we can all agree we could use a healthy dose of these days.

"I support S.597 - The Marijuana Justice Act of 2019 - to amend all the places in our written law that criminalizes cannabis. This bill also expunges the sentences of people currently in jail for cannabis related offenses.

"We will put a 2% federal tax on cannabis, and will use the revenue to pay for prison reform initiatives, addressing the opioid crisis, drug abuse education, and grants for police sensitivity training."

Candidate's Website, 2019


"Every rich nation on earth can do it. It's time we protected our own. But government won't successfully handle all 300 Americans. They couldn't even get the healthcare website up! So we expand Medicare to the millions with no coverage, while fixing Obamacare & reigning in drug prices."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"I like cage-free eggs. But a higher priority should be cage-free kids. We will use humanity in our immigration practices: Stand firmly against the wall. (Hard to do since there will be no physical wall to stand against.) People who came here undocumented, if they have been positive parts of their community, will be given a reasonable pathway to citizenship. And children will not be treated as criminals ever, or put into cages. They are children. If we don't know how to treat them then we are lost as a society. We will give them toys and fun activities while we sort through their status. And we will certainly not rip them away from their families."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"We are all aware of this devastating epidemic taking place in our country. In most cases to no fault of their own, people are becoming addicted to something being prescribed by a doctor, often over-prescribed or in misleading ways, and it is ruining miliions of lives, and taking lives at a frightening rate. We of course must hold the pharmaceutical companies and dirty providers to account, to the fullest extent of the law. But we also must have a human centered approach and provide a way for the victims of this crisis to get their lives back on track.

"Rehab only lasts 28 days. But an addict's success or failure in overcoming this addiction takes place AFTER. Sober homes are wonderful, supportive resources that give these good people the chance to find a supportive healthy environment, so they don't repeat the cycle and further risk their lives. I've seen this firsthnd during our campaign. Currently the federal government provides no funding for sober homes. This will change. We will actually tackle our problems and save people's lives."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"On day one we will re-enter the Paris Climate Accord, and on day two begin pushing for a tougher and more enforceable agreement."

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