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Historical Details

Position on Issues

Other, 2015

Supports term limits for elected officials

Candidate's Website, 2015

Although Jindal supported an expanded drug court program in Louisiana, he has not voiced support for increased addiction treatment funding as part of his Presidential campaign.

Other, 2010

"Those who promote the concept that some human life is more valuable than any other life, and therefore advocate abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia, cheapen human life and lay the groundwork for all sorts of destructive behavior. What we need is a culture of life that values human beings as unique creatures who were made by our Creator." ("Leadership and Crisis" by Bobby Jindal)

Other, 2013

Signed a bill prohibiting the use of social media while driving

Other, 2012

Signed a bill to expand eligibility and increase funding for Louisiana's school voucher program

Other, 2015

Jindal has declined to give a stance on a path to citizenship until the U.S. secures its borders

Other, 2015

"Perhaps no better example of ... unrepresentative government exists in education than Common Core national curriculum mandates"

Other, 2015

"I think when it comes to campaign finance reform, the best disinfectant is disclosure. ... I don't think the candidate with the most money necessarily wins"

Other, 2013

Signed a bill to establish lifetime concealed handgun permits

Other, 2015

Supports calling a Constitutional Convention to pass a Balanced Budget Amendment

Other, 2015

Opposes legislation aimed at affecting climate change and wrote, "While you and others may be of the opinion that we can legislate away hurricanes with higher taxes, business regulations and EPA power grabs, that is not a view shared by many Louisianians."

Other, 2015

Jindal supported Rick Perry's flat tax plan in 2012, but in 2015 Jindal's tax plan includes just three rates: 2% 10%, and 25%.
(Source: candidate's website)

Other, 2015

"If we can't defund Planned Parenthood now, if we can't stand for innocent human life after these barbaric videos, it is time to be done with the Republican Party."

Other, 2015

Opposes marijuana legalization and supports enforcement of federal marijuana laws in all states. "Federal law is still the law of the land. It still needs to be enforced. And again, I'm not for legalization of marijuana. I think that would be a mistake. On sentencing reforms, I certainly support that. I think there are better ways to rehabilitate. You've got non-violent drug offenders, and a lot of those can be rehabilitated. They don't have to be locked up for long sentences at great cost to the taxpayers. But I don't think the president gets to pick and choose. And if people don't like the law, they should try to change the law."

Other, 2015

In an opinion piece Jindal wrote about ISIS, "Killing the enemy is exactly the way you win a war. ... Politicians on both sides of the aisle need to stop pretending that we will never use ground troops, and they have to stop telling our enemies what we will not do."

"As president, you don't hamstring your military commanders because of political pushback. When you face a challenge that threatens our values, our freedom, and our way of life, you ignore the polls and the pundits, and give your military commanders a clear mission - do what you need to defeat the enemy."

Other, 2010

"Liberals need to accept that fossil fuels are critical to our national security and to our economy, and that they can be developed in an environmentally responsible way. Conservatives, for our part, need to do more than simply shout 'Drill, baby, drill'--we need to aggressively pursue the next generation of renewable and clean energy production technologies." ("Leadership and Crisis" by Bobby Jindal)

Other, 2015

Jindal supports vouchers for veterans to visit private health care providers. He said, "I think every veteran should get that card, and they should be allowed to get that health care wherever they want in the private sector. But, I also think -- or the public sector, I also think we need to fire some of the V.A. bureaucrats. Somebody should go to jail over these scandals, and it is a crime that it has not happened."

Candidate's Website, 2015

"Governor Jindal's plan taxes CEOs rather than companies. By eliminating the corporate income tax, this plan recognizes that corporations will always have better paid lobbyists than the average person. Make no mistake, corporations are not people, they are businesses, which create jobs and wealth; at present, the tax code pushes them to create these jobs and this wealth outside of America. Let's allow business to reinvest and grow in the US, rather than inverting profits to other countries and taking on risky debt to finance activities."

Other, 2012

Signed a bill requiring a woman to receive an ultrasound 24 hours prior to an abortion

Other, 2013

Signed a bill requiring equal pay for women hired by Louisiana

Other, 2010

"I support the use of the death penalty in instances of violent child rape. What? The death penalty for a crime other than first degree murder? Yep, you heard me right. In Louisiana we had a law stipulating that if you violently rape a child under the age of twelve, you might face the death penalty. It was applied in a case in Harvey, Louisiana, a few years ago involving an eight-year-old girl who was violently raped by her stepfather. The case is too awful to describe here, but the girl suffered serious internal injuries and immense psychological trauma. As the prosecutor in the case rightfully put it, child rape is in some ways worse than homicide. The defendant was found guilty by a jury of his peers and sentenced to death. The decision was upheld in the appeals process, but in June 2008 the Supreme Court declared the law unconstitutional in a 5-4 decision." ("Leadership and Crisis" by Bobby Jindal)

Other, 2015

"Sometimes the smartest course is in the middle and avoiding extremes, this is one of those instances. People who argue that the Patriot Act is all bad are being dangerously naive about the nature of the threats we face here at home. And people who argue that the government should be allowed to spy on American citizens at will are being dangerously naive about the dangers of such. I believe that government should have to get a warrant to spy on American citizens, and I oppose the mass collection of data. At the same time, I also believe that when the government has a lead, they must have the freedom to follow that lead, wherever it goes."

Other, 2015

"We will be putting out detailed plans ... doing nothing is not an option"

Other, 2010

"The liberal attack on fossil fuels doesn't even make sense in the context of global warming--destroying our domestic energy production and manufacturing base and expanding our jobs abroad won't cut the world's carbon emissions. In fact, these jobs will go to countries like Mexico, China, & India, while more of our oil and natural gas will come from countries like Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, & Russia--all of which have much weaker environmental laws than we do. Do you really think a smokestack in Tijuana will produce fewer emissions than one in San Diego?

"Keep that in mind next time you hear the Democrats' proposals for a 'cap and trade' scheme. In addition to increasing utility costs of homeowners, charging our own companies for releasing carbon will provoke a lot of them simply to relocate to countries that don't charge these fees. Still, at least the Democrats' rhetoric is honest on this issue. Cap and trade IS a jobs bill--for other countries. It is a win/win--for the rest of the world." ("Leadership and Crisis" by Bobby Jindal)

Other, 2006

Voted in favor of a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman

Other, 2012

"As an unapologetic pro-life Republican, I also believe that every adult (18 years old and over) who wants contraception should be able to purchase it. But anyone who has a religious objection to contraception should not be forced by government health-care edicts to purchase it for others. And parents who believe, as I do, that their teenage children shouldn't be involved with sex at all do not deserve ridicule."

Other, 2015

In a Fox News interview, Jindal said voter ID laws are "not an un-usu-al or over-whelm-ing bur-den."

Other, 2012

Signed a bill to switch Louisiana state pensions to a cash balance plan

Other, 2015

"We don't know what's in the deal. Too much of this deal has been negotiated in private - in secret. I think Congress needs to maintain more oversight over this president. There's been a lot of speculation about what could or could not be in there. For example, I want to make sure this is not a back-door way for him to try and impose the kinds of environmental regulations he's trying to do through the [Environmental Protection Agency] around Congress. ... You look at the very one-sided deal he negotiated with China. I worry, is he going to strangle our economy?"

Other, 2015

Opposes the Obama administration deal with Iran and said, "I think, with tougher sanctions, with a White House strategy that says every option is on the table, we will stop the Iranian regime, this Iranian government from having a nuclear capability. We need to understand this is a regime or this is a country where they're still chanting death to America, death to Israel."

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