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Historical Details

Position on Issues

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should there be a path to citizenship for some illegal/undocumented immigrants?

"Carrot and stick: Make immigration easier. Then, one time, 6 month amnesty. Come clean or go home. After that, deport."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the government compel corporations to pay more in federal taxes, for example by closing “loopholes?”

"Corporations should pay more in federal taxes."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the federal government expand background checks for firearms sales?

"The federal government should not expand background checks for firearms sales."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Generally speaking, should the federal government give states more control over welfare/entitlement spending through block grants?

"Welfare and other programs should be gradually moved to the non-profit sector."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the government do more to combat climate change, for example by restricting emissions, taxing carbon, or providing incentives to develop clean energy?

"The government should do more to combat climate change."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the federal government institute a flat income tax for all income brackets while eliminating many deductions?

"Flat income tax gradually reduced to zero."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the federal government continue to fund Planned Parenthood?

"Gradual decrease to zero. PP does some good things. These should continue and be privately funded."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the government enforce federal marijuana laws in states that have legalized marijuana?

"The Drug War is a total failure. Legalize possession."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the federal government raise the minimum wage?

"The federal government should not raise the minimum wage."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should higher income brackets pay more in federal taxes than they currently do?

"See [issue positions] regarding flat rates and corporations."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

How should the U.S. combat the Islamic State?

"Stop bombing them. Stop messing in their affairs. If they won't play nice, blockade."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the federal government increase spending on defense?

"The federal government should not increase spending on defense."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the federal government increase support for scientific research and development?

"Encourage public-private partnerships for funding."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the federal government increase funding for transportation infrastructure, such as road repair and highway expansion?

"The federal government should not increase funding for infrastructure."

Candidate's Website, 2016

"We need to stop relying on oil. We should concentrate on wind, solar, and hydro first, and research nuclear energy safety. I stand for major tax breaks for manufacturers of non-petroleum based vehicles."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the federal government lower the corporate tax rate?

"Corporations derive special advantages. They are a burden on the nation. Tax corporations. Do not tax sole proprietors and unincorporated partnerships. Support entrepreneurs and small business."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the federal government reform Social Security by requiring means testing?

"I support means testing for Social Security."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the federal government provide health care and/or insurance to every citizen?

"Health care only. Not insurance."

Candidate's Website, 2016

"I am quite happy with the idea of how New Hampshire handles the death penalty. It is available in only the most heinous of crimes for criminals who cannot be re-integrated into society and who's guilt is clear and without doubt. I do believe that the method of execution needs to be revised to ensure a clean and painless death."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the federal government privatize some or all of Social Security?

"I support the privatization of Social Security."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the federal government reform Social Security by raising the retirement age from today's age of 67?

"I support raising the retirement age."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the federal government repeal the Affordable Care Act/”Obamacare” entirely and start again?

"The federal government should *replace* the ACA/Obamacare with a healthcare system. Mandatory insurance is wrong."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should the federal government allow student loan payments to be reduced based on income?

"Require payment in full of the principle. Reduce interest."

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