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Historical Details

Position on Issues

Candidate's Website, 2022

"I’m a strong believer in the human right of self defense. Firearms are what is known tactically as a 'force equalizer'. A firearm can give equal defensive capabilities to someone who is smaller, physically weaker or outnumbered by attackers. Firearms are a key part of a free and responsible society.

"Most anti gun advocates are not really anti-gun, they are in favor of all the guns being in the hands of the government. That doesn’t work and would only lead to more violence."

WMUR, 2022

When asked about federal abortion legislation, Fenton answered, "I'm running for federal office and think we should reduce government involvement at a federal level in everything. So I would vote no on any laws at the federal level, any kind of ban or anything like that."

Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2022

"Conservatives & democrats alike should keep in mind that the size & scope of law enforcement & its militarization has grown very radically in recent years.

"It’s our duty to investigate, and, if found, acknowledge failures of law enforcement."

Candidate's Website, 2022

"I am for human rights and absolutely and firmly against the vast government overreach we’ve seen over the last two years. The government should have no authority to close businesses, restrict movements or tell people what to put into their body. A system of government movement passes and politician scientists deciding what risks people can take is unworkable in America or any free society."

Candidate's Website, 2022

"Taxation is theft.

"This phrase sounds sensational to some but it is based on logic, critical thinking and the dictionary definition of the word theft. There are no exceptions made in the dictionary for a 'social contract' or 'unless it’s for the greater good/ done by people with special titles'. At the end of the day, taxation amounts to someone taking wages from someone else. There are various ways to attempt to explain or justify the theft but it is still theft. We must acknowledge that there is no 'government money' in the tax pool. That’s worker money and worker wages that have been taken, under threat, from citizens. We can’t possibly spend effectively if we don’t remember this first. I’m in favor of letting the people keep that money and make their own decisions about how to spend it."

Candidate's Website, 2022

"I believe in trade and friendship with all peaceful nations. We should have open trade and allow people and businesses to deal with other people and businesses anywhere in the world and in any way they wish."

WMUR, 2022

"I do not support any new restrictions."

Candidate's Website, 2022

"The drug war has been an abject failure. I’m in favor of ending the drug war. Certainly many drugs kill people and have extremely negative effects on society and individuals. I do not believe that prohibition is effective."

Candidate's Website, 2022

"We have several problems with health care in the US which would be improved. Ironically many of these problems relate to regulation and government health care programs. Many doctors spend 50% or more of their time on paperwork. We should get government out of the healthcare business and provide tax credits for people to control and manage their own health care."

Candidate's Website, 2022

"We have several problems with health care in the US which would be improved. Ironically many of these problems relate to regulation and government health care programs. Many doctors spend 50% or more of their time on paperwork. We should get government out of the healthcare business and provide tax credits for people to control and manage their own health care."

WMUR, 2022

When asked at a debate about more humanitarian or military aid for Ukraine, Fenton answered, "I definitely wouldn't do more. We've already done too much."

WMUR, 2022

When asked, "Is there anything that the federal government can do to help students avoid, or subsequently deal, with debt from higher education?" Fenton answered, "Yes, the federal government can stop funding its cronies in academia with a failed and predatory student loan system which leaves millions of students in debt for worthless degrees backed by the taxpayer."

WMUR, 2022

"It is not the governments role to address inflation. Government has been an abysmal failure in all things economic. The inflation we are seeing is caused by the reckless printing of money by an uncontrolled federal reserve. We should separate money and government and allow the people to have more control over their finances."
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