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Historical Details

Position on Issues

Other, 2016

"Opiate misuse has reached deadly proportions. We need a comprehensive strategy: expanding community mental health services, treatment facilities and long-term recovery supports; law enforcement and judicial focus on the industry providing illegal drugs; more attention to alternative therapies for severe and chronic pain to minimize prescription misuse."

Other, 2016

"It is very clear that New Hampshire is not prepared to accept a broad-based tax. Still, the state needs revenue to meet its responsibilities. We need to be alert for and creative in finding revenue sources that citizens can embrace."

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2016

"It's time to make this beneficial expanded healthcare program permanent."

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2016

"It's time to focus on the real work - equal rights, pay equity, clean energy, sensible gun laws, infrastructure repair, housing, education, to name a few!"

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