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Historical Details

Position on Issues

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2016

"I see Hooksett Reps are blocking the route to Concord. I'm working hard to bust through. We must change the leadership in Hooksett! It just takes some good votes and we can really make it happen! As the election approaches I thought this would be a good time to remind people who the Manchester State Reps. were who voted to remove the $4 million federal grant to do the next phase of of the passenger rail project from the 10-year transportation plan. The vote passed by 12 votes and 7 of them were from Manchester. All of the people who voted against rail were Republican but not all Republicans voted against it and some were no shows. You have an opportunity on Nov. 8 to replace them with people who will represent your position on this."

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2016

"In a State like New Hampshire, where we are so desperate for revenue, we need to take our 'medicinal marijuana' laws to the next step. Because it is still considered a Category 1, it isn't allowed to be used to substitute for all of the opiates that are killing us. If there is an illness that can be cured, a symptom that can be relieved or a much more harmful drug it can be substituted for, then let it be available. Then, let the State benefit from its sale in order to support the lack of addiction and mental healthcare providers and places that we need to take care of our fellow citizens and move forward."

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2016

"Nearly 50,000 Granite Staters rely on our state's expansion of Medicaid for health care and thousands receive critical services for substance misuse treatment.
"It is simple; healthy Granite Staters build a healthy society and economy. I'll be a vote to continue the expansion and will make sure that the health of NH families' isn't at risk."

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2016

"I am absolutely committed to maintaining affordable and accessible healthcare for women."

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