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Historical Details

Position on Issues

Other, 2016

"'What we really, really need to go for is education and prevention,' said Lozito, who works at Mount Ascutney Hospital and maintains a practice in massage therapy. 'Once you have the addiction, this is going to be a lifelong problem. It's way better if we can get these people before they get addicted.' As for addicts themselves, Lozito added that 'they all need help with the counseling and support. It's a really difficult situation' around which state government must nevertheless tread carefully. 'We have to stay within our financial availability,' Lozito concluded. 'I don't want to see our taxes increased. ... Concord needs to be wise and careful.'"

Other, 2016

"Lozito said that while she supports the existing expansion of Medicaid coverage to low-income residents of the state, 'I think it has gone far enough. Should it be renewed (in 2018)? Let's see how the agencies that are fronting the money feel when the time comes.'"

Other, 2016

"Aside from her opposition to all forms of abortion, Lozito, who moved to New Hampshire from Long Island in 2008, contended that 'Planned Parenthood does not provide care for anything more than the gynecological problems and needs and does not provide even all of them. Patients would be much better off going to a practitioner that would care for the entire person instead of a fragment. The money that goes to Planned Parenthood would be better used to sponsor local clinics where patients can be cared for.'"

Other, 2016

"When you have a bad person with a gun, what you need is a good person with a gun to stop them."

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