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Michael Ellinger

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Historical Details

Position on Issues

Candidate's Website, 2019

"Many DREAMers defend our country as part of our military and are business owners creating jobs or are in school diligently studying and looking for a way to go to college just like the rest of us. They are our friends, neighbors, classmates and veterans and don't need the fear of deportation for something as inane as getting pulled over for a minor traffic violation. English is the first language for many DREAMers and they may not even speak Spanish fluently...they only know growing up in our country with our values. Let us find a solution and craft legislation giving law-abiding DREAMers who contribute to our society and economy a smoother path to citizenship."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"I will support legislation specifically to do the following:

  • "Support your right to own guns for protection and legal hunting
  • "Strengthening background checks to limit who has legal access to guns
  • "Full criminal and psychological profile
  • "Add a Federal age limit of 18 to the sale of rifles and handguns
  • "Increase mental health care for veterans and high school students
  • "Institute a comprehensive database accessible in all counties in all 50 states to track ownership, mental health history and military records of all gun owners to be shared by local, state and federal law enforcement
  • "Keep records for police warrants
  • "Track secondary exchanges
  • "Support local law enforcement in gun buyback programs
  • "Funding for police forces and first responders to increase community outreach and use of non-lethal force"

Candidate's Website, 2019

"I support a $15/hour minimum wage and would even push for legislation to include a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) by each state. In Los Angeles, $15 will help but is still not enough to live without financial worries."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"Create millions of jobs over the next 10-15 years through an infrastructure program that will transform the U.S. into the leader in green technologies and green-building.

"Draft legislation to rebuild or build:

  • "Modern airports,
  • "Roads and bridges,
  • "Government buildings,
  • "A continental high-speed rail,
  • "The next generation of commercial aviation,
  • "Clean energy,
  • "etc."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"I support a single-payer national healthcare system."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"The Federal government can and must act swiftly:

  • "Increase regulations on carbon pollution
  • "Carbon tax on corporations
  • "Invest in innovation to make clean fuel cheaper and more abundant
  • "Repeal fossil fuel subsidies
  • "Rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement
  • "Propose a 'New Climate Deal' to invest in re-training fossil fuel employees and scientists to work on clean energy solutions - invest in our people and our economy"

Candidate's Website, 2019

"The Federal government can and must act swiftly:

  • "Increase regulations on carbon pollution
  • "Carbon tax on corporations
  • "Invest in innovation to make clean fuel cheaper and more abundant
  • "Repeal fossil fuel subsidies
  • "Rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement
  • "Propose a 'New Climate Deal' to invest in re-training fossil fuel employees and scientists to work on clean energy solutions - invest in our people and our economy"
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