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Other, 2023

"Haley said she would oppose 'red flag' gun laws that allow courts to temporarily seize firearms from anyone believed to be a danger to themselves or others. 'I don't trust government to deal with red flag laws,' Haley said. She also said getting rid of AR-15s will not prevent mass shootings, instead emphasizing plans to address mental health issues — though she did say she supported law enforcement removing illegal guns."

Other, 2023

"While some Republican candidates have promised to eliminate the Education Department entirely, Haley noted that doing so would require an act by Congress, which would face long odds. Instead, she said she would seek to 'get rid of all the guts' of the department by sending much of its funding to states in the form of block grants."

Book, 2012

In her book, "Can't Is Not an Option," Haley wrote, "I believe that public officials go to Columbia or Washington with the best of intentions. But along the way people with energy & good ideas got broken. They were told not to step out of line. From business I was used to the idea that you put your most qualified, best people in positions of authority. Government didn't work that way. The people who got the plum assignments in the legislature were the people who had gone along with what the leadership told them to do. I didn't think that was right, and term limits would fix that. With only a certain amount of time to spend in government, legislators wouldn't have time to play the leadership's games. They would work harder at leaving a legacy of accomplishment and real change for the people rather than at satisfying the leadership."

WMUR, 2023

"We had a problem with education before COVID. You look at what we had, 70% of 8th graders in our country, pre-COVID, were not proficient reading. 67% of 8th graders were not proficient in math. It just came out a couple of weeks ago the numbers are even worse on history and civics. ... Yet we still have 90% of American children under critical race theory, where if a little girl goes into kindergarten, if she's white you're telling her she's bad and if she's brown or black you're telling her she's never going to be good enough, she's always going to be a victim. ...

"All this woke ideology in the schools has been a massive distraction when it comes to educating our children. The first thing is, teachers just want to teach. That's what they went to school - they want to teach math, science, history, English, that's what they care about. But parents want to be able to be the ones that parent. We don't need anything happening in a classroom that we don't know about. There should be full transparency about what's being taught to your kids, what's being said to your kids, and what your kids are saying back."

Other, 2023

"When I was Governor of South Carolina, I had to balance the budget. You have to balance a budget? Why is Congress the only group that doesn't have to balance a budget? When I am President, we will stop the spending. We will stop the borrowing. We will stop the earmarks. And I will veto any spending bill that doesn't take us back to pre-COVID levels. That's how we'll take care of things."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by capping price increases by large businesses?

Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2023

"When I launched my campaign, I said every politician over 75 years old should be required to take a mental competency test. Have you seen DC lately? We should start with Joe Biden – and we shouldn’t stop there."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by decreasing tariffs on imports from foreign countries?

Other, 2023

Like most other presidential candidates, Haley has not specifically said whether she would send U.S. military troops to defend Taiwan if China attacks the island. When asked this question directly by the New York Times, Haley's campaign responded, "Make sure the American naval presence in the Taiwan Strait remains strong. Let China know an invasion of Taiwan would not be met with a few slap-on-the-wrist sanctions." 

Other, 2023

Haley has repeatedly criticized any policy moves that incentivize electric vehicles in the United States. For example, in September 2023 she said, "Joe Biden is pushing us to buy expensive electric cars and subsidizing car companies. Innovative electric car companies do not need subsidy, but beyond that most electric vehicle batteries are made in China. Think about that. Our biggest enemy is getting our tax dollars, all while being the world's worst polluter. They are laughing all the way to the bank."

Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2023

After sharing a story about the influx of fentanyl from China, Haley tweeted, "End normal trade relations with China until they stop killing Americans."

Other, 2023

At a 2023 Town Hall run by CNN, Haley said, "The idea that we have biological boys playing in girls' sports – it is the women's issue of our time."

Other, 2023

Haley said she will seek to build consensus around a ban on late-term abortions, although she cautions that it is unlikely a ban could pass the 60-vote threshold of the U.S. Senate.

"I think that there is a federal role for this. But if we're going to do that, you have to be honest with the American people of what it takes to do that. In order to pass anything, you have to have a majority of the House; you have to have 60 Senate votes; and you have to have a signature of a president. We haven't had 60 pro-life senators in over 100 years. We might have 45.

"So if you look at it from that standpoint, don't let anyone in the media; don't let any political party tell you that a Republican president can ban abortion laws in our country because they can't anymore than a Democrat president can ban our state laws. So what can we do with consensus?

"That's exactly what it is. We come through with consensus and say, 'What can we all agree on?' I think we can all agree on banning late- term abortions. I think we can all agree on encouraging adoptions and making sure those foster kids feel more loved, not less. I think we can agree on doctors and nurses who don't believe in abortions shouldn't have to perform them. I think we can agree on the fact that contraception should be accessible. And I think we can all come together and say any woman that has an abortion shouldn't be jailed or -- or -- or given the death penalty. Can't we start there?"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government pass a law guaranteeing the right to choose abortion before fetal viability (generally 24 weeks gestation)?

Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2022

"Biden's war on American energy started on day one when he clamped down on U.S. oil and gas drilling leases... and now he's quietly importing Venezuelan oil this year.

"None of this makes sense!"

Other, 2023

"You know, everybody wants to say, oh, but why can't you get rid of -- let's get rid of AR-15s. The reality is, even if you did that, it might make you feel good today, there's going to be another shooting next week. ... We don't want to take away the constitutional right for someone to protect and defend their families in America. And when you've got crime at all-time highs, you've got illegal immigrants crossing the border, you've got mental health crisis that's as much as it is, the last thing I'm going to do is take away the ability for someone to protect themselves in event."

WMUR, 2023

"I'm a states' rights person. So I think these types of decisions are best decided at the state level. It’s where people can show the power of their voice. Some states will want to see it, and that allows them the right to do that. Some don’t want to see it, and that allows them that right. I always, especially as a governor, believe that the freedoms of people to decide what it is they want in their state are really important. We need to stay true to that."

Other, 2023

"So if we're talking about entitlement reform, the first thing we do is, look, I have parents in their 80s. We take care of them. I don't want anything to hurt the seniors or anyone that's getting ready to retire. But I have kids in their 20s, those are the ones that need to go and know that things are going to be changed. So what you would do is for those in their 20s coming into the system, we would change the retirement age so that it matches life expectancy. The second thing we would do is we would limit benefits for the wealthy."

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2020

"The left's idea on healthcare is a govt takeover of health care - 'Medicare for All' with a price tag of up to $34 trillion..a massive tax hike on every American family. It would eliminate their ins plans & force everyone into a one-size-fits-all govt program."

Other, 2023

""We fix [the border crisis] by going back to Remain-in-Mexico, we fix it by stopping catch and release, we fix it by putting up an actual wall and closing our border."

Other, 2023

"Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley repeated her support for sending armed forces across the U.S.-Mexico border to target drug cartels.

"'When it comes to the cartels, we should treat them like the terrorists that they are,' Haley told Fox News Digital in a recent interview. 'I would send special operations in there and eliminate them just like we eliminated ISIS and make sure that they know there's no place for them.'"

Other, 2023

"You can't be trustful of a regime that goes in and tries to take away people's freedoms. What we need to understand is that Ukraine has the ability to win. But we have to think bigger than that. And for them to sit there and say that this is a territorial dispute, that's just not the case. To say that we should stay neutral, it is in the best interests of America. It's in the best interests of our national security for Ukraine to win. We have to see this through. We have to finish it."

Other, 2023

"Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley ... said in a radio interview last month on 'The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show' that if the claims in the classified documents indictment are true, then Trump was 'incredibly reckless with national security.'

"However, she also said the question of a pardon is different, and she would be 'inclined in favor' of it, though she noted these discussions are still premature.

"'When you look at a pardon, the issue is less about guilt and more about what's good for the country,' Haley said. 'And I think it would be terrible for the country to have a former president in prison for years because of a documents case.'"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support allowing the federal government to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs covered under Medicare?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government privatize some or all of Social Security?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government reform social security by raising the cap on income subject to the Social Security tax?

Other, 2023

"So if we're talking about entitlement reform, the first thing we do is, look, I have parents in their 80s. We take care of them. I don't want anything to hurt the seniors or anyone that's getting ready to retire. But I have kids in their 20s, those are the ones that need to go and know that things are going to be changed. So what you would do is for those in their 20s coming into the system, we would change the retirement age so that it matches life expectancy."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by raising taxes to reduce the budget deficit?

Other, 2023

"But I do think it goes to say, we need to continue to have election integrity laws. When I was governor in South Carolina, we pushed for a on-the-record -- I'm sorry -- we pushed to make sure that we had transparency in voting.

"And when we did, we had voter ID. And when we did, they said we were disenfranchising voters. I was vilified by the media at the time. And I said, if you've got to show picture ID to buy Sudafed; if you've got to show picture ID to get on a plane, you should have to show picture ID to protect the integrity of the election contest."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by repealing or revising the Jones Act to allow more foreign involvement in shipping between U.S. ports?

Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2023

"We're a country that prides itself on work ethic and responsibility.

"Joe Biden’s student loan payoff is vote buying—plain and simple. This does nothing to fix the cost of higher education."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by supporting further Federal Reserve interest rate hikes?

Other, 2023

"We will stop giving the hundreds of billions of dollars of handouts to illegal immigrants. We will go back to remain in Mexico because guess what, nobody wants to remain in Mexico. We will keep the provisions of Title 42. And instead of catch and release, we will go to catch and deport. That is the way we will stop the bleeding on our border. We have to do this."
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