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Historical Details

Position on Issues

Other, 2015

When asked about the heroin epidemic, Cruz declined to make specific policy recommendations, and said, "I think dealing with the challenges of drug and alcohol addiction and treatment and rehabilitation are primarily questions for state and local officials and health care professionals, but it is a rising problem that needs to be dealt with, and dealt with seriously."

Other, 2015

Open to a legal status for undocumented/illegal immigrants, but opposes "amnesty" and citizenship

Other, 2014

Co-sponsored a resolution against the Common Core educational standards

Other, 2013

Supports gun rights, and opposes legislation to require background checks at gun shows

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2015

"A Balanced Budget Amendment is the way we will prevent this government from spending us into bankruptcy."

Other, 2015

"I believe that government policy should follow the evidence and the data....When it comes to global warming, far too much of the debate in Washington is centered around politics rather than the data and the evidence. If you look to the satellite data, it demonstrates that over the past 17 years, there has been no meaningful recorded warming whatsoever. And yet, politicians in Washington are disregarding the evidence and the facts because it is in their political interest to expand government control over the economy. And, to drive up costs for hard working families across this country."

Other, 2015

"I am campaigning on a flat tax that would allow every American to fill out his or her taxes on a post card that allow us to abolish the IRS."

Other, 2015

"Absolutely we shouldn't be sending $500 million of taxpayer money to funding an ongoing criminal enterprise, and I'll tell you, the fact that Republican leadership in both houses has begun this discussion by preemptively surrendering to Barack Obama and saying, 'we'll give in because Obama threatens a veto.' ... We need to stop surrendering and start standing for our principles."

Other, 2015

Supports states' right to legalize and decriminalize marijuana. "If the citizens of Colorado decide they want to go down that road, that's their prerogative. I don't agree with it, but that's their right."

Other, 2015

Cruz supports more aggressive air strikes against the Islamic State (also known as ISIS, ISIL, and Daesh). He also supports more arms for the Kurdish forces fighting the Islamic State.

Candidate's Website, 2014

Supports reduced restrictions on off-shore drilling and Keystone XL Pipeline

Other, 2015

At a Town Hall for Concerned Vets for America, Cruz said, "Two things need to change. Number one we need accountability. ... And the second reform that we need, the fundamental reform we need, is meaningful choice for every veteran. Every veteran should have the right to see the doctor of his or her choosing in any facility."

Other, 2011

"Right now, U.S. corporations face the highest tax rate in the developed world, and they face double taxation if they invest their profits in America. As a result, American companies are today keeping over $2 trillion overseas. With over 25 million Americans out of a job, a tax policy that punishes new U.S. investments and factories is utterly nonsensical. We should cut corporate tax rates - to 15% immediately - to spur new investment and create new jobs in America."

Other, 2015

"I believe that women have the right to choose in every aspect of their lives. To choose how to work, how to live, how to achieve the American dream. Now, I also support the right to life of every unborn child. Every girl and boy. And I believe that we should work towards a culture that protects every human life from the moment of conception until the time of natural death."

Other, 2015

"I spent a number of years in law enforcement dealing with some of the worst criminals, child rapists and murderers, people who've committed unspeakable acts. I believe the death penalty is a recognition of the preciousness of human life, that for the most egregious crimes, the ultimate punishment should apply."

Candidate's Website, 2015

"The National Security Agency's data collection program went too far in collecting the phone records of Americans. Congress should immediately pass the USA FREEDOM Act, of which I am a proud cosponsor, to strike the right balance between privacy rights and national security interests. The USA FREEDOM Act ends the NSA's unfettered data collection program once and for all, while at the same time preserving the government's ability to obtain information to track down terrorists when it has sufficient justification and support for doing so."

Other, 2015

Supports raising the retirement age, transitioning young workers to private retirement accounts instead of Social Security

Other, 2016

"It may be that you and I disagree on the policy of marriage. I support traditional marriage as the union between one man and one woman. But under the Constitution, if you disagree with that proposition, there is an avenue for you to advance your policy. Namely, you can try to convince your fellow citizens to change the marriage laws of your states. From the beginning of this country, marriage has always been a question for the states. Now it may well be just that the men and women of some states (New York and California) might make one policy decision, and the men and women of other states (like Texas or Florida) make a different policy decision. That's the way our Constitution is supposed to work. Unfortunately, five judges on the Supreme Court decided they didn't care what 320 million Americans thought about the laws that should govern them. That they were going to impose their own extreme policy instead that was contrary to Constitution and fundamentally undermined the rule of law in this country."

Other, 2011

"President Obama's contraception mandate on religious organizations captures several aspects of his far-left ideology: 1) his assault on the Constitution, particularly the First Amendment; 2) his disdain for religious liberty, and 3) his aggressive consolidation of federal power."

Candidate's Website, 2014

"Ted Cruz has successfully defended laws requiring voters to show identification and other voter fraud prevention laws that are vital to preserve the integrity of our elections."

Other, 2015

Cruz has not offered specific plans related to student debt, although in his announcement speech he noted that he paid off over $100,000 in student loans. In the Senate has voted against refinancing student loans.

Other, 2015

Cruz has not voiced a final opinion on TPP, although he voted against the TPA legislation in June 2015 that enables TPP.

Other, 2015

Opposes Obama administration nuclear deal with Iran, supports re-imposing all sanctions on Iran

Voting Record

S 524

Attempts to combat the opioid addiction crisis on multiple fronts, for example expanding the availiability of naloxone

S 2012 (2016)

Promotes energy efficiency, requires upgrades to the electric grid, loosens regulations for natural gas pipelines on federal lands, subsidizes hydropower and geothermal, and permanently authorizes the Land and Water Conservation Fund

S Amdt 4720

Allows the Attorney General to bar anyone on the terrorist watch list from buying a firearm

S 2328
A bill to restructure Puerto Rico's debt through a bankruptcy-like process
S Amdt 4751

Increases the connections between states, the courts, and the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, and requires the Attorney General to study the causes of mass shootings

S Amdt 4749

Creates a 72 hour waiting period for anyone on a terrorist watch list who wishes to buy a gun, giving time for federal officials to review the purchase

S Amdt 4787

Allows the FBI to issue "National Security Letters," which compel companies to turn over "electronic communications transactional records" without court approval

S 3100

Withholds federal grants for cities that either do not require or expressly prohibit inquiries about an individual's immigration status ("sanctuary cities")

S 2193
Increases the maximum prison term for an illegal/undocumented immigrant who reenters the U.S. after being deported
S 1
Authorizes the Keystone XL Pipeline and amends energy efficiency regulations
S Amdt 777
Recognizes that climate change is real and caused by human activity and that Congress needs to take action to cut carbon pollution
S 754
Encourages private companies to share information with the federal government about possible threats to computer networks. Some civil liberty advocates are concerned that the bill threatens consumer privacy.
S 2232

Requires an audit of the Federal Reserve.

HR 22
Federal highway and transportation funding bill
S 1177
Expands state responsibility over schools and reduces the federal test-based funding system of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
HR 2146
Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill, also having to do with federal firefighters
HR 1295
Eases trade restrictions between U.S. and parts of Africa, funds a worker assistance program in the U.S., and renews Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
HR 1314
Renews Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
S J Res 24
Expresses disapproval of the EPA rules that require states to lower carbon dioxide emissions
S 1881

Prohibits any federal funding for Planned Parenthood

S 2146
Blocks federal funding for so-called "sanctuary cities" that do not comply with federal detainer requests for illegal immigrants
HR 4038
Expands background checks on Iraqi and Syrian refugees
HR 3762
Repeals several key pieces of the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare," including the individual mandate to buy health insurance
HR 2048
Tightens regulations on electronic surveillance
S 2685 (2014)

Limits the collection of phone records by the government

S J Res 19 (2014)

Constitutional amendment related to campaign finance, potentially overturning the Citizens United decision

HR 3547 (2014)

Appropriates funds for fiscal year 2014

S 540 (2014)

Temporary debt limit extension

S 1845 (2014)

To provide for the extension of certain unemployment benefits

S 2223 (2014)

Minimum Wage Fairness Act, to increase the federal minimum wage

S 2578 (2014)

Prohibits any employer that maintains a group health plan for its employees from denying coverage of any health care item or service required under federal law (e.g. birth control)

S 2569 (2014)

Prohibiting tax credits for outsourcing expenses and creating a tax credit for insourcing expenses

S Amdt 3584 (2014)

Lowering the federal gas tax and giving states more control over transportation infrastructure funding

S 2280 (2014)

Authorizes the Keystone XL Pipeline

S 1752 (2014)

Increasing regulation of court martials for rape in the military

H J Res 59 (2013)

Continues the 2013 budget and delays the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (known as 'Obamacare')

S 815 (2013)

Prohibits employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity

HR 2775 (2013)

Extends the current budget and raise the debt ceiling until early 2014

S 744 (2013)
“Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act,” which creates a path to citizenship for illegal/undocumented immigrants, increase border security, and reforms the visa system
S Amdt 711 (2013)

Establishes regulations on assault weapons

S 743 (2013)

Requires online retailers to collect sales tax for other states

S Amdt 715 (2013)

Requires background checks for all firearms purchases

S 47 (2013)
Reauthorizes the “Violence Against Women Act”
HR 1911 (2013)

Matches the Stafford Direct Student Loan rates to the 10-year Treasury note rather than using a fixed rate

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