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Historical Details

Position on Issues

Project Vote Smart Survey, 2015

"I think we need to stop illegal immigration. "We should give a window and allow existing illegals a chance to become a citizen and pay of the deficit. 1. No violent criminal record 2. $100,000 penalty will be treated as a federal tax debt and subject to same collection efforts(can not be reduced) 3. Money will go to pay done deficit"

Project Vote Smart Survey, 2015

Constitution is perfectly clear

I will defend the Constitution not destroy it

The 2nd Amendment keeps America free

Nazi Germany was a good example of why we need the 2nd Amendment to protect citizens from an abusive regime

Project Vote Smart Survey, 2015

"The earth does go through temperature cycles
Humans may contribute

"What about the other countries how do they contribute to the emissions? I don't want to put unfair pressure on US businesses and make them less competitive globally"

Project Vote Smart Survey, 2015

Does not support an income tax increase on any tax bracket

Project Vote Smart Survey, 2015

Supports the Keystone XL pipeline, but is also open to increased regulations on fracking

Project Vote Smart Survey, 2015

Supports alternatives to incarceration for certain non-violent offenders such as mandatory counseling or substance abuse treatment. Also opposes mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent drug offenders.

Project Vote Smart Survey, 2015

Does not support repealing the Affordable Care Act (also known as "Obamacare")

Project Vote Smart Survey, 2015

"Federal spending is already out of control

"reduce tax burden on small businesses to help grow and create more jobs"

Project Vote Smart Survey, 2015

Opposes the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran

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