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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Should New Hampshire ban abortion after 20 weeks gestation, with exceptions for cases of rape/incest and health complications?

"I am undecided on this issue. This is a Tenth Amendment issue hijacked by the SCOTUS. RTL is a losing issue to prioritize. But we can still feel empathy for some RTL priorities. Unfortunately Planned Parenthood's non abortion services are part of the solutions"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Should NH pursue expanded commuter rail?

I am undecided on this issue. Only after the I 93 is a full 3 lanes wide some incrementally accomplishments may be of some value. Mass transit has to be much cheaper than driving."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Should NH limit terms for elected officials?

"I oppose term limits for New Hampshire elected officials. In '97 Sens Redman + Humphrey voted to sustain Bush 41's twist of the hips veto of extended unemployment benefits. In the Feb '98 primary Bush 41 pledged to feel the pain of Granite Staters suffering in a poor economy. Our two Republican senators were the margin to sustain that veto. Term limits could compromise our representation by politicians abandoning the ideaology that got them elected. It destroys accountability"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Should NH increase funding for heroin treatment programs?

"I oppose increased funding for heroin treatment programs. We are already spending a ton of money on this issue. Both at a state & county level."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Should NH add an income tax on earned income?

"I oppose New Hampshire adding an income tax on earned income. Snow birds leave for longer times buy and register cars trucks in Florida exemption on div + int needs to be adjusted against current wealth standards""

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?

"I oppose New Hampshire adding a broad-based sales tax. Adamantly opposed"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Should NH legalize the recreational use of marijuana?

"I support marijuana legalization. The war on marijuana was lost in the summer of 1969."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Was New Hampshire right to continue expanded Medicaid eligibility, using the traditional Medicaid system of managed care instead of private insurance?

"I support expanded Medicaid eligibility, using the traditional Medicaid system of managed care instead of private insurance. But there is a limit before this welfare program becomes fiscally unsustainable. Federal subsidy is in jeopardy"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Should NH do more to enforce federal immigration laws?

"I support increased state enforcement of federal immigration laws. Granite Staters are at risk to this criminal element where drugs, human trafficking and felonious crimes are perpetrated by people who have no business being in this country + state in the first place""

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Should New Hampshire increase subsidies and tax credits for business investment?

"New Hampshire should increase subsidies and tax credits for business investment. Maybe not $28 mm for Les Otten?"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Is police brutality an issue in NH?

"State government should take action to reduce police brutality in New Hampshire, for example by requiring body cameras or limiting the ability of police to acquire military equipment. Too many cops and not enough police officers the police state does not recognize what is implied in the 26th amendment"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Should New Hampshire continue to participate in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which requires utilities to purchase allowances for every ton of carbon they emit?

"I oppose New Hampshire's participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. New Hampshire electric rates are already too high and disourage business to locate here"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Should New Hampshire maintain the renewable portfolio standard, which requires public utilities in New Hampshire to obtain a certain percentage of electricity from renewable energy sources (25% by 2025)?

"I oppose the renewable portfolio standard in New Hampshire. Those who support this oppose the erection of such power sources, nat gas pipelines, and power from higher % of gride renewables from Canada."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Should New Hampshire government do more to increase the supply of affordable housing?

"New Hampshire government does not need to do more to increase the supply of affordable housing. We are already growing the indigent populations per capital household total 'salt' taxes are still in the countrys bottom 10"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Should NH continue to administer statewide standards-based student assessments?

"I support New Hampshire continuing to administer statewide standards-based student assessments. Education costs are unsustainable. The education industry must accept a solution to wage and benefit decompression."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?

"I oppose stricter gun control laws."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Should New Hampshire allocate tax revenues for private and home schooling costs?

"I support allocating tax revenues for private and/or home schooling costs. The money should follow the student to where the concerned parent perceives there to e the most likely positive outcomes."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018

Should NH impose strict residency requirements on registering to vote?

"New Hampshire should impose strict residency requirements on registering to vote. Absolutely imperative to ssustain taxation with representation. If you are not a real resident paying taxes you should vote in your own state"

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