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Position on Issues

WMUR, 2022

"First, we need to stop the reckless government borrowing and spending that created unsustainable debt levels. Second, we must stop relying on China for crucial components that drive our economy - such as rare earths, pharmaceutical ingredients, and technology. Supply-chains that are closer to home with strengthen our economy and create middle-class jobs. Third, we need to pursue an 'all-of-the-above' energy policy that takes advantage of our country's natural resources. We simply should be not be beholden to our enemies for the energy that powers our economy. Fourth, we need to address transportation bottlenecks and encourage more people to consider well-paying jobs such as truck-driving that keep our economy moving. Finally, we should address the labor shortages by promoting a legal immigration system that allows qualified individuals a path towards American citizenship as they contribute to our economy and society."

WMUR, 2022

When asked about federal abortion legislation in a debate, Mansharamani answered, "First of all, let me begin by saying I do think the New Hampshire policy is the correct policy that we should have. And I agree with Senator Chuck Morse that we should allow choice, as he has provided, in the first six months, and then a ban thereafter. That is a sound policy. This is an issue that is so divisive across America. And I would tell you, it's divisive among politicians, not among the population. Most of the Granite State families I've talked to, the Granite State women and and Granite State families in total suggest that they agree with the policy we have here in New Hampshire. Now, when it comes to federal legislation thereof, I wouldn't be comfortable if legislation was about to impose a difference on New Hampshire families. I would protect New Hampshire's perspective, so I am happy to protect, even if it does require at the federal level the protection of the New Hampshire law. The New Hampshire law is an appropriate law. It's one that meets the needs of most of the families. It's not perfect, but it's good. And it actually moves us forward."

When specifically asked, "Let's just say New Hampshire's abortion ban, 24 weeks, comes to the floor of the Senate. Are you voting yes or no?" Mansharamani answered, "I would vote yes in favor of the ban, only if it was accompanied by also a guarantee of choice for the first six months."

WMUR, 2022

When asked about federal abortion legislation in a debate, Mansharamani answered, "First of all, let me begin by saying I do think the New Hampshire policy is the correct policy that we should have. And I agree with Senator Chuck Morse that we should allow choice, as he has provided, in the first six months, and then a ban thereafter. That is a sound policy. This is an issue that is so divisive across America. And I would tell you, it's divisive among politicians, not among the population. Most of the Granite State families I've talked to, the Granite State women and and Granite State families in total suggest that they agree with the policy we have here in New Hampshire. Now, when it comes to federal legislation thereof, I wouldn't be comfortable if legislation was about to impose a difference on New Hampshire families. I would protect New Hampshire's perspective, so I am happy to protect, even if it does require at the federal level the protection of the New Hampshire law. The New Hampshire law is an appropriate law. It's one that meets the needs of most of the families. It's not perfect, but it's good. And it actually moves us forward."

When specifically asked, "Let's just say New Hampshire's abortion ban, 24 weeks, comes to the floor of the Senate. Are you voting yes or no?" Mansharamani answered, "I would vote yes in favor of the ban, only if it was accompanied by also a guarantee of choice for the first six months."


"We need to pursue an 'all-of-the-above' energy policy that takes advantage of our country's natural resources. We simply should be not be beholden to our enemies for the energy that powers our economy."

WMUR, 2022

"I believe we need to enforce the gun laws that we currently have on the books: required background checks must be conducted and those with felony records must not be able to procure firearms. Lastly, far too often, the root cause of senseless gun violence lies in our inadequate mental health infrastructure. I'm in favor of providing additional resources to address this deficiency."

Candidate's Website, 2022

"We need to unleash the power of business to innovate and create jobs. We must lower taxes and reduce regulations to enable entrepreneurs to create the industries of the future and restore America as the world’s leading economic superpower."

WMUR, 2022

"We should continue to support the Ukrainians, but we should not put boots on the ground. We should give them, with proper oversight, support in the form of military arms and training."

WMUR, 2022

"Safeguarding the integrity of our elections is one of the most important things we can do to restore trust in our democracy. We cannot get on a plane without showing government ID and I would support legislation that required the same at the voting booth."

Other, 2022

"Why pay off debt that’s disproportionately held by high earners and those from wealthy families? Canceling student debt is a regressive policy. It places the burden on all taxpayers and those who (apparently naively) paid off their loans — like yours truly — while providing disproportionate benefit to high earners."
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