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Cinde Warmington

Cinde Warmington
PO Box 2133
      Concord, NH 03301

PO Box 2133
Concord, NH 03301
United States


Position on Issues

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Do you support the “Education Freedom Account” program, which gives students access to the per-pupil share of state school funding to spend on private school or home school expenses?

"I oppose the diversion of public education funds away from public education."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire ban abortions during the first trimester (e.g. after 6 weeks gestation)?

"Freedom begins with a person being able to make decisions about their own bodies. The ability to access reproductive health care - including abortion care - allows families to plan, prevent, and space their pregnancies. This is a fundamental right and, as Executive Councilor, I have and will continue to advocate for guaranteed access to quality, affordable health care for all."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire ban abortions during the second trimester (e.g. after 15 weeks gestation)?

"Freedom begins with a person being able to make decisions about their own bodies. The ability to access reproductive health care - including abortion care - allows families to plan, prevent, and space their pregnancies. This is a fundamental right and, as Executive Councilor, I have and will continue to advocate for guaranteed access to quality, affordable health care for all."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire ban discussions about sexual orientation and gender identity in grades K-3?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council. However, I support age-appropriate discussions around these topics."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Do you support the state law that bans teaching certain concepts, such as the idea that people may be "inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously"?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council. However, I strongly reject this effort to censor the teaching of history."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should NH add an income tax on earned income?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire add a tax credit for businesses that contribute to student loan repayment for employees?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire lower business taxes?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire government do more to address climate change?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council. However, in considering nominees for relevant positions such as appointments to the Department of Energy and Public Utilities Commission, I would make inquiry regarding the nominee's commitment to addressing climate change."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Do you support giving voters who register without ID on Election Day a ballot that only counts if they return identifying documents to the state before a deadline?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council. However, in considering judicial nominees, I would only support those who are committed to upholding the constitutional right to vote."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Do you support state contracts with faith-based organizations?

"It depends on the specific contract, however I support contracts that best suit the needs of Granite Staters, respecting both religious freedom and the constitutional requirement of the separation between church and state."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Do you support state contracts with Planned Parenthood?

"I have and will continue to support Planned Parenthood, which is a provider of high quality, essential sexual and reproductive health care services."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire add a fee or mileage charge for electric vehicle owners to help pay for transportation and/or electric infrastructure?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council. However, as technology changes, the funding mechanisms must necessarily follow."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should the state do more to encourage municipalities to remove zoning barriers to housing development?

"This is not a matter before the Executive Council. However, in considering nominees for relevant positions such as appointments to the NH Housing Finance Authority, I would make inquiry regarding the nominees commitment to affordable housing.

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire extend the renewable portfolio standard past 2025, requiring public utilities to obtain more than 25% of electricity from renewable energy sources?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council. However, in considering nominees for relevant positions such as appointments to the Department of Energy and Public Utilities Commission, I would make inquiry regarding the nominee's commitment to renewable energy."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Would you have voted to accept federal funds to support COVID-19 vaccinations in New Hampshire?

"I have and will continue to support public health initiatives to combat the COVID-19 pandemic."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire guarantee the right to access abortion before 24 weeks?

"Freedom begins with a person being able to make decisions about their own bodies. The ability to access reproductive health care - including abortion care - allows families to plan, prevent, and space their pregnancies. This is a fundamental right and, as Executive Councilor, I have and will continue to advocate for guaranteed access to quality, affordable health care for all."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should a nominee’s political beliefs be an important factor when deciding on a judicial appointment?

"It depends on whether those political beliefs interfere with the nominees' ability to uphold and protect our constitutional rights."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should a nominee’s political beliefs be an important factor when deciding on an appointment to the executive branch?

"It depends on whether those political beliefs interfere with the nominees' ability to uphold and protect our constitutional rights."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Do you support the option of mail-in ballots for all voters, not just absentees?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council. However, in considering judicial nominees, I would only support those who are committed to upholding the constitutional right to vote."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Do you support New Hampshire’s current system of public school funding, with about two-thirds of total funding coming from local property taxes?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council. However, I feel very strongly that public funds should be used for public schools and should not be diverted to private institutions, which results in increased property taxes."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by allowing home-growing and private use without sales?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council. However, cannabis should be legalized, regulated, and taxed to ensure - particularly in response to the current safety concerns about contaminated cannabis products throughout the state."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by licensing growers and private retail locations?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council. However, cannabis should be legalized, regulated, and taxed to ensure - particularly in response to the current safety concerns about contaminated cannabis products throughout the state."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by establishing state-run cannabis stores?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council. However, cannabis should be legalized, regulated, and taxed to ensure - particularly in response to the current safety concerns about contaminated cannabis products throughout the state."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire raise the minimum wage?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council. However, I will make inquiry regarding whether state contractors pay fair wages."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Are you open to approving no-bid state contracts?

"Generally, I oppose no-bid state contracts, but there are often circumstances that make them the most fiscally responsible option for tax-payers."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should the state permanently increase how much tax revenue it shares with towns and cities every year, beyond public school funding?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Do you support the gradual phase-out of the Interests and Dividends tax?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire repeal the ban on abortion after 24 weeks gestation?

"Freedom begins with a person being able to make decisions about their own bodies. The ability to access reproductive health care - including abortion care - allows families to plan, prevent, and space their pregnancies. This is a fundamental right and, as Executive Councilor, I have and will continue to advocate for guaranteed access to quality, affordable health care for all."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?

"This is not a matter that comes before the Executive Council. However, I believe in responsible gun ownership. I support universal background checks to protect our communities from gun violence, believe that weapons of war do not belong on our streets, and communities should have the right to establish gun-free zones in certain public places."

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