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Running for: NH Senate District 01

Declined to complete our 2024 State Candidate Survey

Position on Issues

Candidate's Website, 2024

"The introduction of public charter schools and Education Freedom Account (EFA) vouchers further exacerbates this unfairness. Most charter schools are located far south of us and that’s a function of the lower population in our area. This program did not go through the legislative process but was added as a rider to the budget by the Governor and Commissioner of Education. These vouchers divert public funds away from already underfunded public schools to private education options, leaving public schools with fewer resources to meet the needs of the remaining students. When students leave public schools for private or alternative education using vouchers, the public schools lose funding while still facing the same fixed costs, such as building maintenance, staff salaries, and unfunded mandates. This means they have less money to spend on the remaining students.

"Proponents of Education Freedom Account vouchers argue that it provides more options for students for whom public education doesn’t work, however nearly all the students taking advantage of vouchers have never been to a public school.

"One of the biggest concerns is the lack of accountability.  Since our tax money is sent to a company in New York to oversee voucher payments, the position of the Commissioner of Education is that it is not subject to our state audit. That same company keeps 10% of your tax dollars for their work. Right now, there is a concern that many of the original applications for the EFA vouchers were completed without using required documentation to approve the applications. Without a complete audit we don’t know if our tax dollars are being used in a legal way. Much work needs to be done before we can adequately answer that question. Meanwhile we continue to fund this program."

Candidate's Website, 2024

"I believe deeply in personal freedom and bodily autonomy, and I will consistently vote to protect reproductive rights. We must codify women's right to abortion care and address aspects of the current law that undermine healthcare and discourage high-quality physicians from practicing in New Hampshire."

Candidate's Website, 2024

"I believe deeply in personal freedom and bodily autonomy, and I will consistently vote to protect reproductive rights. We must codify women's right to abortion care and address aspects of the current law that undermine healthcare and discourage high-quality physicians from practicing in New Hampshire."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH add an income tax on earned income?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire lower business taxes?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire add a tax on capital gains?

Candidate's Website, 2024

"For decades, scientists have predicted that the warming atmosphere, holding more moisture and energy, would lead to more frequent extreme weather events that would cause devastating flooding in rural America. And now it is happening. The strong storm that statistically used to occur approximately once a century is now occurring far more frequently.

"This means that we need to think strategically about our infrastructure. When a storm destroys a bridge, the new bridge we build must be strong enough to resist the more powerful storms that we know will be coming. The same is true for roads and river banks. There is obviously a cost associated with hardening our infrastructure, but that cost is far lower than the recurring cost of rebuilding after every storm.

"Building climate resilience is how we live with the changing climate. But we also need to focus on the root causes by working toward decarbonizing our economy. New Hampshire must align our policies with our neighboring states and implement meaningful efforts to slow the change, and hopefully reverse it for future generations."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support giving voters who register without ID on Election Day a ballot that only counts if they return identifying documents to the state before a deadline?

Candidate's Website, 2024

"We must incentivize developers to build the types of housing our communities need, including affordable rental units, starter homes for new families, and housing appropriate for empty nesters who wish to downsize.

"At the same time, we must address the growing issue of housing being bought up for use as short-term rentals, which reduces the availability of long-term housing for residents and causes other community problems.

"I will support a wide range of creative funding solutions, from public-private partnerships to shared equity homeownership models, as well as continuing to update zoning regulations. Current zoning laws often restrict the types of housing that can be built, limiting the availability of affordable options. By modernizing these regulations to allow for more diverse housing types, including multi-family units and accessory dwelling units, we can make it easier to develop the necessary housing.

"Additionally, innovative approaches like repurposing vacant buildings, incentivizing modular or prefabricated housing, and streamlining permitting processes will further help address the housing crisis."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support legislation to expand the net energy metering system capacity cap from 1 MW to 5 MW for all residential and commercial customers in New Hampshire?

Candidate's Website, 2024

"I believe deeply in personal freedom and bodily autonomy, and I will consistently vote to protect reproductive rights. We must codify women's right to abortion care and address aspects of the current law that undermine healthcare and discourage high-quality physicians from practicing in New Hampshire."

Candidate's Website, 2024

"One of the first steps we can take is to increase the number of family childcare centers. These centers, whether in homes or commercial spaces, offer flexible and often more affordable options for parents. We can encourage more people to open these centers by offering low-interest loans and making it easier to navigate the licensing process. This will ensure that even the most rural areas have access to quality childcare.

"We also need to raise wages for early childhood educators. Right now, many of these workers don’t earn enough to support themselves or their families, leading to high turnover and staff shortages. By paying them better, we can attract and keep the skilled professionals needed to provide top-notch care. Research shows that the quality of childcare is directly tied to the quality of its caregivers, so this investment is essential.

"Childcare costs in New Hampshire are among the highest in the country, which puts a strain on many parents. We should expand subsidies for low- and middle-income families and consider a sliding scale fee structure based on income, so more families can access the care they need.

"Most states have already recognized the importance of childcare by implementing universal pre-kindergarten programs. These programs give children a strong start in learning, reduce achievement gaps, and support working parents. Unfortunately, New Hampshire is one of only six states without universal pre-K. It’s time to change that. We need to roll out universal pre-K in a way that supports existing childcare centers, especially those that provide care for infants and toddlers. This move would benefit children and offer a significant return on investment for the state, as early childhood education leads to better long-term outcomes in education, employment, and health."

Candidate's Website, 2024

"One of my top priorities is to reform school funding in New Hampshire to provide property tax relief where it is needed most while ensuring equitable, high-quality public education for all. New Hampshire's current funding system is deeply unfair to North Country families. The current funding system is so flawed that it has been ruled unconstitutional by the New Hampshire Supreme Court multiple times."

Candidate's Website, 2024

"It is past time to legalize cannabis in New Hampshire. While I am open to various approaches, I believe we should adopt a model that fits our state's unique needs. My preference is for a system that encourages small businesses and entrepreneurship, supports limited home cultivation for patients, and protects medicinal marijuana programs."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by licensing growers and private retail locations?

"It is past time to legalize cannabis in New Hampshire. While I am open to various approaches, I believe we should adopt a model that fits our state's unique needs. My preference is for a system that encourages small businesses and entrepreneurship, supports limited home cultivation for patients, and protects medicinal marijuana programs."

Candidate's Website, 2024

"It is past time to legalize cannabis in New Hampshire. While I am open to various approaches, I believe we should adopt a model that fits our state's unique needs. My preference is for a system that encourages small businesses and entrepreneurship, supports limited home cultivation for patients, and protects medicinal marijuana programs."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire raise the minimum wage?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire add legal protections for residents of other states who travel here for health care related to abortion or gender transition?

Candidate's Website, 2024

"Moreover, while it is true that less than 1% of abortions occur after 24 weeks, those that do are overwhelmingly due to severe medical complications in wanted pregnancies. The current law’s vague language and provisions that impose criminal and civil penalties on doctors performing abortions after 24 weeks create a climate of uncertainty and fear. This legal ambiguity makes physicians and other essential healthcare providers hesitant to practice in New Hampshire, fearing potential repercussions for providing, or even recommending, comprehensive reproductive care. This reluctance harms not only women seeking abortions but also the broader healthcare system in the state. When top medical professionals avoid New Hampshire, the quality of healthcare for everyone suffers."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH require local law enforcement to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?

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