NH has 5th lowest medical marijuana use

According to the Marijuana Policy Project, New Hampshire has the fifth lowest use of medical marijuana among all the states that allow it, and the lowest use in New England.
Approximately 0.16% of Granite Staters have medical marijuana cards.
Minnesota has the fewest medical marijuana patients, at 0.12% of the state’s population. California has the highest, at 3.83%.
Maine came in a close second at 3.31% of the population. Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont all have under 1%.
Medical marijuana use may be lower in New Hampshire because it was the last state in New England to allow it.
Some Granite State lawmakers also want to expand access to medical marijuana by allowing patients to grow marijuana at home. Every other state in New England – except Connecticut – allows some home growing.
Opponents of an expanded medical marijuana law argue that home growing would make it more difficult for police to enforce the law against recreational marijuana use.
Visit our issue page on marijuana to learn more about the debate in New Hampshire.
Do you think New Hampshire should expand its medical marijuana law, for example to allow home growing? Share your opinion in the comments.
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