Would you support a redesign of the NH state flag?

Rep. Timothy Josephson is sponsoring a 2018 bill that would establish a committee to study redesigning the state flag.
The committee would be tasked with developing potential designs that include the state motto and an image of the Old Man of the Mountain.
Supporters of a new flag design note that several other state flags feature a gold-rimmed emblem on a blue background, including Idaho, Kansas, and Nebraska. They argue New Hampshire should have a more unique flag that incorporates the Granite State's most well-known symbols.
Opponents of a new flag point out the historical significance of New Hampshire's flag: it bears the state seal, which has featured the USS Raleigh since the 1780s. The Raleigh was built in Portsmouth and was one of the first thirteen warships sponsored by the Continental Congress.
Do you support a redesign of the state flag? Share your opinion in the comments below.
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