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HB 1272 (2022)

Limit the authority of local health officers


Limits the authority of local health officers in making bylaws or ordinances relating to public health matters. In particular, this bill states, "no bylaw or ordinance made by a local health officer shall be repugnant to the constitution or laws of this state, and such bylaws and ordinances shall take effect and be in force from the time adopted for not longer than 10 days, without the sanction or confirmation of any other authority. Such ordinances may be adopted only for the purpose of addressing locations that present a clear and present danger."

The House amended the bill, still limiting the authority of local health officers, but without the language above. As amended, the law would read, "The health officers of towns may make regulations for the prevention and removal of nuisances such as garbage, insects, unsanitary living conditions, septic, rodents, and safe drinking water inspections, which shall take effect when approved by the selectmen, recorded by the town clerk, and published in some newspaper printed in the town, or when copies thereof have been posted in 2 or more public places in the town."

Bill Sponsor:
Juliet Harvey-Bolia
Republican party logo
Bill Became Law?:
Status Detail:
Killed in the Senate
Public Hearing Date:
04/11/2022 01:45 pm
Public Hearing Location:
SH Room 100
House Voting Date:
Senate Voting Date:
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