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Position on Issues

Candidate's Website, 2020

"I believe in 'shall not be infringed,' and will defend our rights against unconstitutional Red Flag Laws and Gun Control. I believe in people’s right to defend themselves and their loved ones both inside and outside our homes. As a candidate who has built my own firearms, I understand the ridiculous lengths Democrats will go in defining what is and is not legal. "

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government ban certain "military-style" firearms, such as the AR-15?

"Shall Not Be Infringed."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by giving states a fixed block grant for Medicaid?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should Congress create a path to citizenship for illegal/undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children?

"I am in favor of a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, if we can ensure protecting our southern border and prevent such cases in the future. Democrats were provided this option but chose to deny it to DACA recipients in order to refute attempts at securing our border."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by eliminating the "essential health benefits" insurance plans must cover?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government ban abortion after 24 weeks gestation, with exceptions for cases of rape/incest and serious health complications of the mother and/or child?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government do more to combat climate change by increasing funding for research on climate issues?

"Large scale changes are best accomplished by private interest and businesses. Entrepreneurial technological innovation has provided us better success than business-killing and expensive government regulation."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government raise the minimum wage?

"States and business owners better understand the market forces at play in their own communities. The federal government acting with a one-size-fits-all policy is detrimental to developing economies and mom and pop shops across the nation. Higher minimum wages also deprive our youth opportunities to build real-world work experience."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government increase oversight of state and local police departments?
"I support authority on the State level. States know their own communities and law enforcement better than the federal government and are able to tailor their own oversight to accommodate their needs better than a one-size-fits-all Federal government approach. New Hampshire overwhelmingly approves of and supports its police, despite Democrats' criticism of law enforcement and calling for defunding and disbandment. I support Law & Order."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government have the power to override state public health decisions to close or reopen public areas?
"I am in favor of States' ability to decide for themselves as general trust in state governments over the federal government. However, states that stay closed and face financial hardship should not be financially bailed out by the federal government for such a decision."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government pass a law guaranteeing the right to an abortion as decided in Roe v. Wade?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government do more to combat climate change by providing subsidies for energy efficiency?

"Large scale changes are best accomplished by private interest and businesses. Entrepreneurial technological innovation has provided us better success than business-killing and expensive government regulation."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government do more to combat climate change by providing subsidies for renewable energy?

"Large scale changes are best accomplished by private interest and businesses. Entrepreneurial technological innovation has provided us better success than business-killing and expensive government regulation."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government provide free tuition at public colleges and universities?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should higher income brackets pay more in federal taxes than they currently do?

"I am in favor of a simplified tax code with fewer special interest exemptions. However, instead of raising taxes on specific groups of individuals, I am a supporter of decreasing the ever-growing cost of government and have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. We have a spending problem in D.C. and need to realize we cannot raise taxes indefinitely as some politicians appear to believe."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Do you generally support higher tariffs on imports from countries such as China, where we have a large trade deficit?

"While not in favor of tariffs based solely upon trade deficits, I do support tariffs against countries that cheat free-market ideals with governments that manipulate the market and do not respect copyright and intellectual property rights. We cannot enjoy free-market ideals when dealing with countries, such as China, that undermine the free and fair market with their manipulative practices."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government increase funding for transportation infrastructure, such as road repair and highway expansion?

"I am in favor of funding roadway repair and highway expansion as needed, but do not agree with a blanket policy to increase funding across the board."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Do you support the option of mail-in ballots for all voters, not just absentees?
"We must protect the integrity of our United States elections in all regards. Mail-in ballots are not reliable enough to provide such assurances."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the government legalize marijuana at the federal level?

"While personally and morally opposed, I more strongly believe in the principles of freedom and authority in local governments. I am in favor of decriminalizing at the federal level and allowing states to make their own determinations. The drug war has had too many similarities with prohibition and should be reevaluated as to which substances should be illegal for recreational use, and which should be controlled and regulated akin to alcohol and tobacco."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government reform Social Security by requiring means testing?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by automatically enrolling every citizen in Medicare, replacing most private insurance?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by allowing citizens to opt into Medicare if they so choose?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the U.S. build a physical wall between Mexico and the U.S.?

"We must stop the flow of drugs and human trafficking into the United States. While a physical barrier would be merited in some regions, others might fare better with enhanced surveillance using modern technology if it can ensure no entry without our intercepting illegal crossings."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government privatize some or all of Social Security?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government reform social security by raising the cap on income subject to the Social Security tax?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government reform Social Security by raising the retirement age from today's age of 67?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by repealing the tax penalty for employers who do not offer health insurance?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government allow student loan payments to be reduced based on income?

"I am in favor of holding colleges partially accountable for indebting students with degrees that are not financially viable. Federal student loans should also not be funding colleges' ability to accumulate billions of dollars in endowments at the ultimate expense of their graduates' finances."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020

Should the federal government tax carbon emissions?

"Large scale changes are best accomplished by private interest and businesses. Entrepreneurial technological innovation has provided us better success than business-killing and expensive government regulation."
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